вторник, 14 февраля 2012 г.

That Lonely Valentine

I know I wasn't posting anything lately and I'm really sorry about that...if anybody cares though.
Today is a Valentine's Day and for someone is the most romantic day, but for the rest of us - the worst day of the entire year. As far as I'm the one in a "section two", I'd say this day is supposedly a day filled with crushing disappointments.
Actually this year my V Day went surprisingly well, though it's not over yet - anything can happen. But (well, there's always a "but" in this case) now I have a love drama/dilemma in my life. New boyfriends, old boyfriends, creepy boyfriends, etc.
Hope you had a great Valentine's Day.
Love ya.


воскресенье, 5 февраля 2012 г.

3 Best Valentine's Day Apps for iPhone

iThinkOfYou. This is the smallest social network in the world and it's intended only for two - you and the one you love. With this app you can sent each other a sweet massages, beautiful love cards or simply remain silent. Whenever a giant heart is pulsing on your iPhone's or iPad's screen just know - the one you love is thinking about you in this very moment.
iPad compatible!
Get it on the iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/ithinkofyou/id389126952?mt=8

About My Girl. If you are having some time alone with your boyfriends iPhone, don't look compromising messages or pics. Better get him this app and upload it with all the information about all your dates and things: from the day of your first kiss and favorite fruits to the bra size.
So now your loved one won't mess up a birthday present or forget your special date.

Table For Two. A perfect (i'm telling you!!) catalog of romantic recipies from a world famous Chef Patrick Whetstone. Salads, soups, deserts, etc. - everything is ideal for a dinner by the candlelight. And so it's easier to cook, every recipie has great illustrations. 
Enjoy your date!

Get it on the iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/table-for-two-cookbook/id403519235?mt=8

суббота, 4 февраля 2012 г.

World Photo Organization - A Dreamcrusher And A Liar?

You know what WPO means? It's a World Photo Organization. Ever heard of Sony World Photography Awards? It's one of the most prestigious competitions in the world. Thousands of people (photographers) enter this competition every year. Only ten of them get shortlisted in each category and only one wins.
But this year something's got really weird. Apparently WPO decided to prank people or I just don't know how else to explain that:

And there are more and more. People are so disappointed and I absolutely understand what they feel. Though I didn't get the same e-mail, I entered the competition and if I did get the mail and then found out that I'm not actually shortlisted...well..let's just say it would've been very very bad.

And that's not it quite yet. Not only the people who actually DIDN'T get shortlisted received and e-mail saying they did, but the people who DID get into the shortlist on the web-site received nothing. No e-mails. No confirmation.
So some of them contacted the WPO. Turned out there had either been some error or the WPO had been hacked or they just haven't made up the reason they're gonna be using yet.

Here I got a little confused, but it seems like the ones who got the mail saying they are shortlisted are actually  COMMENDED (are in Top 50 but not in Top 10) and the ones who's name is on the web but they didn't get an e-mail are either commended or god-only-knows-what. (Ain't that confusing? Seems like my head's gonna explode).

Well...what can I say? THIS IS JUST A DISASTER! I mean seriously?!?!?! What kind of organization is that??? Oh, and by the way, I forgot to mention those "we need you to upload a high resolution pictures" things in the e-mails people got. Based on all the mess that is going on there right now most of the people think all of that was just to "get the high res photos form naive amateurs and commercialize them (c)Possi". No surprise that it's exactly what comes in mind, ha?

Bife Godoy. 
Got the strangest e-mail of all. I really doubt that the organization got an explanation for that:
I am delighted to announce that your image has been shortlisted.
Your name will be announced to press and on our website, on 2nd February but before then it is absolutely critical that you keep this information confidential.

And here are some people with AMAZING works who received the "mistaken" e-mail:


четверг, 2 февраля 2012 г.

Hello there, Apple! I want another ringtone!!

Hello to you!! Yes, you behind the monitor! What's up? :)
Just got a call from my friend and ugrh!!...this ringtone is sick...Why haven't I changed it? Exactly! That's what I'm gonna be talking about.

The ringtone situation on all the iPhones is a complete disaster (as well as a new Twitter app, but about that later). I mean, seriously, the pre-loaded ones are terrible and EXTREMELY boring!! What I want a cool song playing when someone calls me and the only reason I haven't gotten it yet is because it takes soooo much time and I'm a little lazy on that one. 

I bet, some of you thought "why not just buy it in iTunes?". The answer is simple. As far as iTunes music section is not avaliable worldwide, I simply don't have an access to it. So, I have to figure out some other way. There are two: I can either find some iPhone app/laptop programm or go through a long way of turning a song into a ringtone in iTunes. 
Neither one of this is an easy way. If choosing apps/programms you, precisely, need to download them first (and by the way for all of the apps you need your iPhone to be jailbroken). Then take a bunch of time to figure out how it works, get the ringtone done, put it into the iTunes, sync with your phone, get stuck somewhere in the middle because your computer hanged and so on...bla bla bla. Same with the second way. 

Sad but true.
Apple iPhones are the ONLY ones out there that have soooo much trouble with the ringtones. 
So, I suggest they suck it up and figure out some kind of solution.


Random Apple Fact

среда, 1 февраля 2012 г.

iPhone 4 vs. iPhone 4S. Let the battle begin.

well...let's now talk the iPhones. I've used all of them from iPhone 2G up to iPhone 4S, so then again I know what i'm talking about. And from my experience I think that 4 is better than 4S. Why?
Because. What so awesome, amazing, new (and bla bla bla) is about iPhone 4S? From Apple official site:

  1. Siri. (The intelligent assistant that helps you get things done. All you have to do is ask.)
  2. A brand new dual-core A5 chip.
  3. The you-can't-believe-it's-on-a-phone camera.
  4. Video recording. In 1080p amazing HD.
  5. The iOS 5.The world's most advanced mobile operating system.
  6. iCloud.
  7. Retina display.
  8. Face Time.
  9. AirPlay (and AirPrint).  
  10. A switch between two antennas.  
Wow...a total of 10 new features. But don't get too excited. Strike out five of them right now (from 5 to 9). Because as soon as you update you're iPhone 4 (or even 3GS) to iOS 5 you'll get all those features. Except for the Face Time and Retina display on iPhone 3GS, of course. 
So, that leaves us with only 5 features.

Siri. Gotta say it's a funny thing. I've used it - I liked it. Yeah, it's a bit of revolutionary, but not too much. I mean we had Voice Control a phone even a looooong looooong time ago. Despite all of my sarcasm about it, the integration of this feature made this phone more accessible for people with disabilities, which is a great advantage and a huge "wow" for developers. But, if you dn't ahve any problems and you bought an iPhone 4S I can assure you that you will be seriously using this thing only for the first couple of weeks. Afterwards - one or twice a week just for fun. (iPhone 4S wins, but only beacuse a have a GREAT respect for people with disabilities, who are doing their best to adjust to our "normal" world) 

A5 chip. According to Apple this new chip makes your phone work faster and gives it an "outstanding battery life", but well I ain't got any complains about the speed of my iPhone 4 (which has a A4 chip) and about it's battery either. So I don't see any point in that. There are some people, who are overobsessed with this "super speed thing", but I just don't get it. (iPhone 4 wins)

8-megapixel camera. And yet again, I don't get why keep improving something that is already good enough. It's only 8-megapixels, so it's not the highest resolution camera out there - some Sony Ericsson phones got 12-megapixel. They'd better improved a front camera, cause it's shot really often turn out noisy. (iPhone 4 wins)

1080p HD video. I'm not taking a lot of videos on my phone and as far as it's HD (only 720p) I don't really care . But there are a lot of people who do and who care, so this improvement might be a really good idea. Still, it also can be useless (as in my case). (So, it's a tie)

The last, but not the least A switch between two antennas. And yet, another useless feature. I don't have any trouble with a call quality, connections or downloads speeds and more of it - I have absolutely no problem talking in subways (and it's a 100 and sometimes even more meters under the ground!). So, thanks but no thanks. (iPhone 4 wins)

Eventually, here's what we have:
iPhone 4 - (4)
iPhone 4S - (2)


Feel free to comment :))